• Ewu community members with GEN-AFRICA conference delegates


    An interpretation of the theory of Communitalism by students of International Development at the University of St Galen, Geneva, Switzerland, in association with students of integral transformation at Paxherbals.

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  • learning herbs book

    TOWARDS INTEGRAL LIVING IN EWU MONASTERY: Communis, Spiritus, Scientia and Economia

    Watch video of integral living in Ewu Monastery, Edo state of Nigeria. This video captures some of the tenets of Communitalism.

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  • The Pioneer Students Transformation Studies in Africa [Video]

      Watch video of the pioneer students of Transformation Studies in Africa (TSA) from the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. This is the first fruit of a project with a very humble beginning

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  • The Idea Of The Communiversity

    ABOUT THE BOOK Across the world, we are facing a crisis in education at all levels: for some communities, schooling remains inaccessible, and for others, educational institutions have become elite qualification factories. For most, the cost of higher education is rising.  Underlying these profound challenges are fundamental questions about the nature of universities and higher […]

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  • A Man Like You

    A Poem by Fr. Anselm Adodo I knocked at your doorThe door of your heart.Can you not hear me?Open for me, my brother!I knocked at the dawn of my sleepI knocked at the wake of my dayI knocked with the veins of my heartI knocked at the fall of my powerCan you not hear me?Open […]

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  • Paxherbals and the Catholic Church of England and Wales: A Unique Partnership

    The Pax herbal Clinic and Research Laboratories (PAXHERBALS) and its subsidiary, the Pax Integral Research and Development Initiative (OFIRDI) have signed an MOU with the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales, to provide training in sustainable agribusiness for the young people of Edo State, Nigeria. The project is termed human livelihoods for self-sufficiency. The […]

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  • Fr. Anselm Adodo Delivers Faculty Lecture at University of Ibadan

    On July 25, 2018, Fr. Adodo delivered the faculty lecture at the University of Ibadan.  The seminar lecture series is sponsored by the council for the Development of Social Science Research (CODESRIA). The seminar, which held at Lady Bank Anthony Hall, at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, was attended by an unprecedented […]

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  • Fr. Anselm Adodo with the director and faculty staff of the Institute.

    Transformation Studies In Africa: An Historic Beginning

    On May 10, 2018, the newly designed curriculum titled Transformation Studies in Africa started on a high tone with 12 pioneer masters students and one prospective PhD candidate, at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan. The program, which is a partnership between Ofure (Pax) Centre for integral research and Development, The University of Ibadan and Trans4m […]

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  • image of pupils in class

    Reforming Education In NIGERIA: Thinking Outside the Box

    Have you heard our young men discussing football recently? They know all the latest news on the English Premier League. They can tell you when Manchester United is playing Chelsea, and can even predict who will win and by how many goals. Thanks to cable, internet and satellite TV, our young people also know how many soldiers […]

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  • Gen members with Edo state gov

    History Made as Paxherbals Hosted GEN Conference

    Nigeria recently made history as it hosted the 2017 conference of the Global Ecovillage Network-Africa (GEN-AFRICA), courtesy of Paxherbal Clinic and Research Laboratories at Ewu, in Edo State, Nigeria, from December 10-17. The Conference brought together 20 participants from 17 different countries in Africa, Europe and a representative from the United Nations. The conference aimed […]

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  • Conference on Indigenous Traditional Knowledge

    Report: Conference on Traditional Indigenous Knowledge

    Download Full Event Report International Conference on Indigenous Traditional Knowledge organized by PAX Herbals Clinic and Research Laboratories, in collaboration with Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO); the Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA), Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Ofure (Pax) Integral Research and Development Initiative (OFIRDI) and National Office for Technology […]

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  • Knowledge Creation in an African Village

    Storytelling as a tool for transformation In April this year, we had a meeting with the local farmers, about sixty of them. It was part of our participatory action research strategy, getting the people to identify, discuss and analyse their challenges and then proffer solutions from within.  The local people complained that cassava farming is […]

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    New Developments in Clinical Trial of African herbal medicine for Malaria

    The Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA) and Pax Herbal Clinic and Research Laboratories (Paxherbals), are into a partnership that will enhance the scientific practice of herbal medicine in Nigeria.  The two parties, through a memorandum of understanding, agreed to collaborate in the establishment of frame work for increased cooperation in clinical trials and public […]

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  • Impact Assesment of EDEMCS Beneficiaries

    Recently, some members of EDEMCS executives: Anna Aipokhio, Yinka Olayioye and Photographer Austin Obi visited the beneficiaries of the first phase of the business loan project of EDEMCS for an impact assessment on the farmers. The loan was given in January 2016 The loan was given in January 2016 to empower the local women. The principles of participatory action […]

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  • Loan recepients

    Community Building through Action Research and Innovation

    In February 2016, a group of local women farmers was presented with a cheque of $500 each to support them as they prepare for a new farming season.  The money was presented to each farmer as a loan, which will be paid back within 12 months with zero interest. This is a development project initiated […]

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  • learning herbs book

    Redesigned Curriculum Changes how We Learn Herbal Medicine

    Paxherbals and the Institute of African studies, University of Ibadan, have formed a partnership in transforming the study and teaching of herbal medicine in Nigeria. This year, the two bodies redesigned a new Masters and PhD curricula on Traditional African Medicine. The curricula have been approved by the University’s curriculum committee and the Institute will […]

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  • Learning About and Keeping Record of Plants

    Pax herbarium’s mission is to collect every plant – indigenous, naturalized or exotic – that grows in Nigeria. By doing so, we are serving the demand for people interested in traditional medicine, ethnotaxonomy and are preventing any false identification and misuse of plants. Nigeria’s vegetation is very rich, from the mangroves in the Delta to […]

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  • Towards Reviving Study Culture in the Community

    Recently,  EDEMCS attained the knowledge that there is an abandoned library in Eguare, one of the communities in Ewu. On the invitation of the local community managers, EDEMCS representatives went to inspect it, and we came to the conclusion that there is the potential of rebuilding and revitalizing the said library. We believe that a […]

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  • (ii}A female beneficiary at work

    Promoting Self Development in Rural Communities

    The seasons are changing, the rainy season is here and nature is preparing to sprout and to blossom. The first days of March coincided with the first days of rainfall. Famers are busy with preparations of their farmlands for cultivation. A Visit to one of the Local Farmers Several weeks have passed since EDEMCS (Ewu […]

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  • edemcs: rural women empowerment

    Empowering Local Women Through Microfinancing

    Since the inaugural meeting of EDEMCS (Ewu Development and Educational Multipurpose Co-operative Society) took place more than a year has passed. The organization has mastered many stages ranging from the official registration with Edo State, the cultivation of interest and trust in the village up to the engagement of the community. Fortunately, the King of […]

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